Subject Agreement Verb Quiz

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammatical rule that ensures that the subject and the verb in a sentence agree in number and tense. It is crucial to maintain this agreement to convey the intended meaning of a sentence accurately. Poor subject-verb agreement can lead to unclear or confusing sentences, which can negatively impact search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

To test your subject-verb agreement skills, take this quiz:

1. Everyone on the team __________ (is/are) responsible for their assigned tasks.

2. The cat and the dog __________ (chases/chase) each other around the house.

3. The committee __________ (has/have) scheduled a meeting for next Tuesday.

4. Neither the book nor the movie __________ (is/are) worth your time.

5. John, along with his siblings, __________ (enjoys/enjoy) playing board games.

6. The flavor of the cake __________ (is/are) too sweet for my taste.

7. Each of the students __________ (has/have) their own copy of the textbook.

8. The news about the scandal __________ (shocks/shock) everyone.

9. The group of performers __________ (was/were) fantastic.

10. One of the best ways to stay healthy __________ (is/are) to exercise regularly.


1. Everyone on the team is responsible for their assigned tasks.

2. The cat and the dog chase each other around the house.

3. The committee has scheduled a meeting for next Tuesday.

4. Neither the book nor the movie is worth your time.

5. John, along with his siblings, enjoys playing board games.

6. The flavor of the cake is too sweet for my taste.

7. Each of the students has their own copy of the textbook.

8. The news about the scandal shocks everyone.

9. The group of performers was fantastic.

10. One of the best ways to stay healthy is to exercise regularly.

Subject-verb agreement may seem like a minor grammatical rule, but neglecting it can negatively affect the clarity of your writing. As search engines become more sophisticated, they can identify and penalize poorly written content, which can harm your SEO efforts. By taking this quiz and mastering subject-verb agreement, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and optimized for search engines.